The Power of Writing Down and Disposing of Your Anger

Feeling furious, enraged, or intensely angry? Well, according to a recent study conducted by researchers from Nagoya University in Japan, there might be a simple yet effective way to help alleviate those overwhelming emotions – write them down and dispose of the paper. The study involved 98 participants and revealed some fascinating insights into the relationship between writing down feelings of anger and the subsequent reduction in anger levels.

In the study, participants were subjected to overly critical and insulting feedback on an essay they had written. This feedback was intended to provoke feelings of anger, regardless of the actual quality of the submission. After receiving the critiques, the participants were asked to write down their thoughts on their emotions and what had triggered them. Subsequently, they were instructed to either keep the notes with them or dispose of them by shredding the paper.

The results showed a significant difference in the anger levels between the two groups. Those who disposed of their notes experienced a considerable reduction in anger, almost to the point of complete elimination. On the other hand, the group that retained their notes reported higher levels of subjective anger, indicating that the act of disposing of the written emotions had a tangible impact on their emotional state.

While anger can serve as a motivating force in certain situations, such as addressing social injustices, it can also lead to negative consequences like violence, abuse, or impulsive decision-making. This study highlights a simple yet effective anger management technique that can be easily implemented in various settings, including business environments. By writing down the source of anger and then disposing of it, individuals can quickly alleviate their feelings of anger and prevent them from escalating.

The researchers involved in this study are looking to expand their findings further by exploring additional factors. This includes investigating whether digital note-taking has the same effect as physical paper and examining the optimal time needed to reread the notes for effective anger reduction. Additionally, they aim to delve into cultural practices, such as the Japanese tradition of hakidashisara, to better understand the roots of emotional catharsis and release.

The act of writing down and disposing of feelings of anger has shown promising results in managing and reducing anger levels. This simple yet powerful technique can be easily incorporated into daily life to prevent anger from escalating into destructive behavior. By acknowledging and processing our emotions through writing, we can achieve a greater sense of emotional control and well-being.


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